To create companies and opportunities that allow us to leverage our time to do what our purpose in life is. Ultimately, we want to create business assets to help people financially, help fatherless kids create a path to steer them in the right direction, provide direction and help young people, help cancer survivors financially, disabled or wounded veterans, single mothers raise fatherless kids through faith-based mentorship, sports, and church. 20 locations by 2038.
Citizen Title company utilizes cutting-edge technology for faster, more secure transactions, a commitment to unparalleled customer service can set your company apart, offering a one-stop-shop experience can be a major advantage with the principal owner just a phone call away we can get your deal and closed in a secure timely manner, boasting a team with superior qualifications, certifications, and industry experience can elevate your company above others.
Once there is a set a date for closing you will know the exact date to schedule your move. Closing is when the final papers are signed, you receive your money, and when ownership transfers out of your hands. By this time, the house should be empty and vacant unless we make other arrangements based on your specific needs.
Great question, you’ll sign a purchase agreement, open title at Citizen Title, receive any needed pay off’s for mortgages and/or HOA’s, clear any title defects, and close once title is clear.
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